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Zapisz się online

    Personal Data


    (jeśli nie posiadasz jeszcze paszportu lub wyrabiasz nowy zostaw puste pola)

    Permanent Residence Address

    Emergency Contact

    (osoba do kontaktu, gdy Ty będziesz w USA/ rodzic, rodzeństwo)


    Have you ever participated in the Work & Travel USA program?

    Have you ever been refused a visa by U.S. Embassy?

    Have you ever been arrested and/or convicted of a crime in your home country?

    Why do you want to participate in the W&T USA program?

    How did you find out about W&T program/TBW?

    What option of the program are you interested in?

    When do you want to start work?

    When do you want to finish work?

    Are you travelling alone or with friends? Please provide the names of your friends.